Event Pillars of Society
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VenueLyceum Theatre, Fourth Avenue, New York, United States Of America
First Date6th March 1891
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
440895Arnold, KatherineKatherine Arnold379ActorMrs. Betty Bernick
440897Banks, MaudeMaude Banks379ActorMiss Martha Bernick
440901Bellows, W. C.W. C. Bellows379ActorRörlund
440894Fawcett, GeorgeGeorge Fawcett379ActorConsul Karsten Bernick
440899Fischer, AliceAlice Fischer379ActorMiss Lona Hessel
440900Jenkins, R. O.R. O. Jenkins379ActorHilmar Tönnesen
440896Kenney, StellaStella Kenney379ActorOlaf
440904Oberle, ThomasThomas Oberle379ActorAune
440898Platt, FosterFoster Platt379ActorJohan Tönnesen
440902Tyree, BessieBessie Tyree379ActorDina Dorf
440903West, P.P. West379ActorKrap
440893Sargent, FranklinFranklin Sargent375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Further InformationSource: Rolf Fjeld. "Ibsen in the American theater: an abbreviated stage history of the major prose plays" in Ibsen. The Complete Major Prose Plays. Translated and Introduced by Rolf Fjelde . New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1978.
Event Identifier78309
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