Event La stanza blu (Casa di bambola)
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DescriptionThe event is a loose adaptation of A Doll's house. Set in an unusual courtroom, the procurator Falk invites the spouses Torvald and Nora Helmer to tell the story of how of their marriage came to an end. As the former couple reconstruct the unfolding of events, they become more aware of the choices they made and the path they are heading to. In this event, the live audience functions as a sort of court witnesses.
VenueTeatro Mercadante, P.za Municipio, 80133, Naples, Italy
First Date13th April 2012
Last Date24th April 2012
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
529432Coco, GiorgiaGiorgia Coco379ActorNora
529433Foà, MassimilianoMassimiliano Foà379ActorThe procurator Falk
529434Iervolino, LucaLuca Iervolino379ActorTorvald Helmer
529431Cocifoglia, FabioFabio Cocifoglia389Adaptation
529435Gaudioso, AlessandroAlessandro Gaudioso387Costume Designer
529431Cocifoglia, FabioFabio Cocifoglia375Director
529436Di Maso, GaetanoGaetano Di Maso380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
529437Cominotti, RiccardoRiccardo Cominotti402Set Designer
529438De Capoa, EnricoEnrico De Capoa402Set Designer
529436Di Maso, GaetanoGaetano Di Maso402Set Designer
Production NationalityItaly
Performance languageItalian
Event Identifier102338
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