Event Fora de Campo
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DescriptionOn stage there’s a film set where the recording of the pilot episode of a television series is awaited. A script that derives from A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen – a narrative that melts, diluted between dream and collective illusion. The character is aware that he needs to cause empathy and be convincing in order to survive. The performer knows the standardized structure where he belongs redefines and oppresses him. The spectator will be fully aware of the several overlapping fields of action that manipulate him. Fora de Campo retrieves techniques and methods used in most popular television series to reflect on the concepts of power, architecture and emancipation. Isn’t our narrative made of very familiar dramas after all?
VenueBalcão Cristal, Rua De Santa Maria 206, 9060-291 Funchal, Portugal
First Date25th November 2020
Last Date27th November 2020
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
    • Drama
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
522952de Brito, SérgioSérgio de Brito379Actor
528526Moreira, AnaAna Moreira379Actor
528527Rodrigues, ÉricaÉrica Rodrigues379Actor
522949Silva, IvoIvo Silva379Actor
522953Silva Costa, VítorVítor Silva Costa379Actor
522951Teixeira, RicardoRicardo Teixeira379Actor
522950Tomé, CátiaCátia Tomé379Actor
528534Carneiro, Joana LourencinhoJoana Lourencinho Carneiro376DesignerGraphic Design
528531Abrantes, ManuelManuel Abrantes380Lighting Designer
522955Remédio, RicardoRicardo Remédio392Musician
528533Padilha, AlípioAlípio Padilha401Photographer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
522949Silva, IvoIvo Silva386Playwright
522951Teixeira, RicardoRicardo Teixeira386Playwright
522950Tomé, CátiaCátia Tomé386Playwright
528532Nunes, MarianaMariana Nunes384Producer
528528Leitão, João CristóvãoJoão Cristóvão Leitão398Video Designer
528529Lobo, JoãoJoão Lobo398Video Designer
528530Ribeiro, MartaMarta Ribeiro398Video Designer
Première in a TourYes
Production NationalityPortugal
Performance languagePortuguese
Event Identifier102034
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