Event The Messenger
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DescriptionOn a ground-floor level, The Messenger looks like Ibsen’s play. We’re in Norway. It’s 1882. There’s a doctor. The town’s major tourist attraction, the mineral baths, seems to be contaminated. And the doctor has to save the town. But one floor up, everything changes. My play has less than half the number of characters. Where An Enemy of the People is five acts, mine is one intermissionless play in four chapters. And two of the central characters, including the doctor, are no longer men. The Messenger is about two women succeeding by pushing against a male-dominated society and that society’s expectations of them. Who exactly is The Messenger is one of the essential questions of the play. There’s a newspaper in town called The Messenger, and most of the central characters in the play, at one time or another, believe they are a messenger for the people. But who’s right? Is anybody? And if you think you’re the messenger, can you ever really be the messenger? That question is central to everything that happens in the play.
VenuePioneer Theatre Company, 300 1400 E, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States Of America
First Date6th March 2020
Opening Night6th March 2020
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
    • Drama
521386Beecher, DanielDaniel Beecher379ActorPeter Stockmann
521387Duval, ChrisChris Duval379ActorHenrik Abelman
486300McClain, AmeliaAmelia McClain379ActorKristine Hovstad
503505McKenna, SeanaSeana McKenna379ActorMarianne
521391Nichols, IrelandIreland Nichols379ActorPetra Stockmann
521392Walker, JasminJasmin Walker379ActorTherese Stockmann
521393Young, BenBen Young379ActorBilling
521394Grantom, WesWes Grantom375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
521384Talbott, JeffJeff Talbott386Playwright
Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Event Identifier100406
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