Event Ado Al shaeb (An Enemy of the people / عدو الشعب)
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VenueBaghdad - University Of Fine Arts (Akadimiat Alfnon Aljamilat / اکادیمیة الفنون الجمیلة), Damascus St, Baghdad, Iraq
First Date1967
Opening Night1967
Last Date1967
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
519860Farid, Badri HasoonBadri Hasoon Farid375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityIraq
Performance languageArabic
Further InformationThis is the second time An Enemy of the People payed in Baghdad Capital of Iraq in Arabic, tin new adaptation made by the same director who adapted An Enemy of the People first time in Iraq in 1956, this time the Director had a full text. Sources: Rezan Saleh made An interview with the director of the play for her master study -Ibsen i Iraq.
Event Identifier100059
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