96819 | Oi mnistires tou thronou (The Pretenders / Οι μνηστήρες του θρόνου) | Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο) | 2nd November 1945 | Actor | Dagfinn the Peasant |
96202 | Peer Gkynt (Peer Gynt / Πέερ Γκυντ) | Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο) | 7th October 1935 | Actor | A Troll, Sea Captain |
95956 | Echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού) | Laïko Theatro Pagkratiou (Popular Theatre of Pangrati / Λαϊκό Θέατρο Παγκρατίου) | 20th May 1931 | Actor | Morten Kiil |