Contributor Eleni Chalkousi
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96819Oi mnistires tou thronou (The Pretenders / Οι μνηστήρες του θρόνου)Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο)2nd November 1945ActorThe Lady Ragnhild
96594I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Theatro Alikis (Alice Theatre / Θέατρο Αλίκης)25th December 1939ActorMrs. Sörby
96593I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Theatro Kotopouli (Kotopoulis Theatre / Θέατρο Κοτοπούλη)20th December 1939ActorMrs. Sörby
83753Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)Dimotiko Theatro Apollon (Municipal Theater of Apollo / Δημοτικό Θέατρο Απόλλων)11th March 1928ActorHilde Wangel
Contributor Identifier456202
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