95148 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon (Municipal Theater of Apollo / Δημοτικό Θέατρο Απόλλων) | 11th March 1958 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
95147 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Vasilikon Theatron (Royal theatre / Βασιλικό Θέατρο) | 27th February 1958 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
95840 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Vasilikon Theatro (Royal theatre / Βασιλικό Θέατρο) | 28th September 1951 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
95839 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Vasilikon Theatron (Royal theatre / Βασιλικό Θέατρο) | 11th October 1950 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
96819 | Oi mnistires tou thronou (The Pretenders / Οι μνηστήρες του θρόνου) | Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο) | 2nd November 1945 | Actor | Nikolas Arnesson |
96202 | Peer Gkynt (Peer Gynt / Πέερ Γκυντ) | Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο) | 7th October 1935 | Actor | Begriffenfeldt |
96088 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Lyriko Theatro | 2nd August 1935 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
96087 | Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες) | Vasilikon Theatron (Royal theatre / Βασιλικό Θέατρο) | 30th January 1934 | Actor | Pastor Manders |
96027 | Giannis Gavriil Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Γιάννης Γαβριήλ Μπόρκμαν) | Theatro Megas Alexandros (Theater of Alexander the Great / Θέατρο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος) | 20th September 1933 | Actor | Vilhelm Foldal |
96025 | Giannis Gavriil Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Γιάννης Γαβριήλ Μπόρκμαν) | Lyriko Theatro | 21st June 1933 | Actor | Vilhelm Foldal |
96023 | Giannis Gavriil Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Γιάννης Γαβριήλ Μπόρκμαν) | Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο) | 7th February 1933 | Actor | Vilhelm Foldal |
85200 | Nora (To spiti tis kouklas) (Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | Theatro Belvedere | 27th June 1930 | Actor | Dr. Rank |
84476 | Nora (Νόρα) | Theatro Akropolis | 13th September 1929 | Actor | Dr. Rank |
83756 | Nora (Νόρα) | Theatro Apollon | 12th March 1928 | Actor | Nils Krogstad |
83281 | Nora (Νόρα) | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon (Municipal Theater of Apollo / Δημοτικό Θέατρο Απόλλων) | 7th February 1924 | Actor | Torvald Helmer |
82945 | Nora (Nora / Νόρα) | Theatro Sporting Club | 16th May 1920 | Actor | Nils Krogstad |
83047 | O echthros tou laou (An Enemy of the People / Ο εχθρός του λαού) | Theatro Dionysiadou (Dionysiadou theater / θέατρο Διονυσιάδου) | 6th February 1918 | Actor | Morten Kiil |
82958 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater / Θέατρο Κυβέλης) | 8th July 1915 | Actor | Relling |
82957 | Enta Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ) | Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater / Θέατρο Κυβέλης) | 29th June 1915 | Actor | Judge Brack |
82942 | Nora (Νόρα) | Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater / Θέατρο Κυβέλης) | 13th April 1915 | Actor | Nils Krogstad |
82943 | Nora (Νόρα) | Theatro Paradeisos (θέατρο Παράδεισος) | August 1918 | Actor | Nils Krogstad |