Contributor Sapfo Alkaiou
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96819Oi mnistires tou thronou (The Pretenders / Οι μνηστήρες του θρόνου)Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο)2nd November 1945ActorInga of Varteig
96202Peer Gkynt (Peer Gynt / Πέερ Γκυντ)Ethniko Theatro (National Theater / Εθνικό Θέατρο)7th October 1935ActorMother Aase
85200Nora (To spiti tis kouklas) (Το σπίτι της κούκλας)Theatro Belvedere27th June 1930ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
84476Nora (Νόρα)Theatro Akropolis13th September 1929ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
83756Nora (Νόρα)Theatro Apollon12th March 1928ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
83370Enta Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ)Theatro Kotopouli (Kotopoulis Theatre / Θέατρο Κοτοπούλη)8th April 1926ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
83352Nora (Νόρα)Theatro Dionysia (Theater Dionysia / Θέατρο Διονύσια)5th January 1926ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
82958I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater / Θέατρο Κυβέλης)8th July 1915ActorGina Ekdal
82957Enta Gkampler (Hedda Gabler / Έντα Γκάμπλερ)Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater / Θέατρο Κυβέλης)29th June 1915ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
82902Nora (Νόρα)Theatro Lefkou Pyrgou (White Tower Teater / Θέατρο του Λευκού Πύργου)20th January 1914ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
Contributor Identifier454410
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