Contributor Vladimir Nemirovič-Dančenko
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Events, Date
EVENTIDEvent NameVenueFirst DateFunctionCharacter/Role
80714Rosmershol'm (Rosmersholm / Росмерсхольм)Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre (Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre / Московский Художественный театр имени А. П. Чехова)5th March 1908Director
80571Brand (Brand / Бранд)Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr (Moscow Art Theatre)20th December 1906Director
80291Stolpy obŝеstva (Pillars of Society / Столпы общества)Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr (Moscow Art Theatre)24th February 1903Director
80183Kogda my, mërtvye, probuždaemsâ (When We Dead Awaken / Когда мы, мёртвые, пробуждаемся)Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr (Moscow Art Theatre)28th November 1900Director
100351Rosmershol'm (Rosmersholm / Росмерсхольм)Moskovskij Hudožestvennyj akademičeskij teatr (Moscow Art Theatre)28th November 1900Director
Contributor Identifier448840
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