Contributor Ingo Hülsmann
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Events, Date
EVENTIDEvent NameVENUEFirst DateFunctionCharacter
100049Ein VolksfeindHrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb)1st October 2019Actor
99635Ein VolksfeindZellerbach Hall12th October 2018Actor
99740Ein VolksfeindGuójiā Dàjùyuàn (National Centre for the Performing Arts / 国家大剧院)6th September 2018Actor
99634Ein VolksfeindGöteborgs Stadsteater24th August 2018Actor
99057Ein VolksfeindEsplanade11th May 2018Actor
99633Ein Volksfeind (An Enemy of the People)SPAC - Shizuoka ken butai geijutsu sentā (Shizuoka Arts Theatre / SPAC- 静岡県舞台芸術センター)29th April 2018Actor
97640Ein VolksfeindTeatro Municipal de Santiago19th January 2017Actor
97639Ein VolksfeindDet Kongelige Teater18th June 2016Actor
97638Ein VolksfeindLG Ateuseenteo Seoul (LG Arts Center / LG아트센터 서울)26th May 2016Actor
97637Ein VolksfeindTeatr im. Wilama Horzycy22nd May 2016Actor
97636Ein VolksfeindBogotá24th March 2016Actor
97634Ein VolksfeindMinsk9th October 2015Actor
97632Ein VolksfeindTbilisi International Festival of Theatre5th October 2015Actor
97631Nepřítel lidu (Ein Volksfeind)Nové divadlo v Kolíně11th September 2015Actor
97625Ein VolksfeindReal Teatro Politeama12th June 2015Actor
97624Ein VolksfeindSir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall24th February 2015Actor
97623Ein VolksfeindSangit Kala Mandir21st February 2015Actor
97622Ein VolksfeindNational School of Drama, Behawalpur House (National School of Drama, Behawalpur House / राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विद्यालय)18th February 2015Actor
97621Ein VolksfeindThéâtre Kléber-Méleau11th February 2015Actor
96798Ein VolksfeindKolozsvári Állami Magyar Színház26th November 2014Actor
97620Ein VolksfeindGrand Opera House23rd October 2014Actor
97619Ein VolksfeindMoscow5th October 2014Actor
86917An Enemy of the PeopleBarbican Theatre24th September 2014Actor
86069Ein VolksfeindNationaltheatret Hovedscenen14th September 2014Actor
97617Ein VolksfeindNationaltheatret Hovedscenen14th September 2014Actor
84443Ein VolksfeindIstanbul27th May 2014Actor
85086Ein VolksfeindApollo-Theater4th May 2014Actor
85097Ein VolksfeindThéâtre National de Bretagne20th March 2014Actor
85096Ein VolksfeindThéâtre de la Ville27th January 2014Actor
95610Ein Volksfeind3sat30th November 2013Actor
85095Ein VolksfeindBrooklyn Academy of Music6th November 2013Actor
85087Ein VolksfeindTeatro San Martín6th October 2013Actor
85091Ein VolksfeindTeatro Paulo Autran27th September 2013Actor
85093Ein VolksfeindTeatro Goldoni10th August 2013Actor
84439Ein Volksfeind (An Enemy of the People)Athens3rd July 2013Actor
84438Ein VolksfeindGrand Théâtre de Québec27th May 2013Actor
84437Ein VolksfeindThéâtre Jean Duceppe22nd May 2013Actor
84753Ein VolksfeindThéâtre National Populaire29th January 2013Actor
78929Ein VolksfeindPlayhouse, The Arts Centre21st October 2012Actor
78930Ein VolksfeindSchaubühne am Lehniner Platz8th September 2012Actor
78928Ein VolksfeindOpéra-Théâtre i Avignon18th July 2012Actor
84181Die WildenteDeutsches Theater13th December 2011Actor
84180Die WildenteDeutsches Theater4th January 2011Actor
84183Die Wildente (The Wild Duck)A uru su potto (Owl Spot / あうるすぽっと)26th November 2010Actor
84179Die WildenteDeutsches Theater3rd October 2009Actor
84178Die WildenteDeutsches Theater15th April 2009Actor
84182Die WildenteNationaltheatret9th September 2008Actor
84177Die WildenteDeutsches Theater2nd February 2008Actor
Contributor Identifier442506
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