Contributor Adrian Hall
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FunctionsAdaptation, Director, Lighting Designer
Events, Date
Event Name
First Date
86625Hedda GablerAmerican Repertory Theatre8th May 1992Director
85636The Wild DuckTrinity Square Repertory Company10th December 1983Director
84427RosmersholmTrinity Square Repertory Company22nd November 1977Director
90108An Enemy of the PeopleTyrone Guthrie Theater1st September 1976Director
83491Peer GyntTrinity Repertory Company7th January 1975Director
83816Peer GyntUniversity Playhouse, Kansas City8th August 1974Director
88483An Enemy of the PeopleTrinity Square Repertory Company21st March 1968Director
77208A Doll's HouseThe Greenwich Mews Theatre7th May 1956Lighting Designer
Contributor Identifier436714
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