Name_SORTNameEvent Dates EventsResources
South Asia Theatre Festival20062 
Studentteateret Immaturus20061 
Stone & Wings20061 
Scribblers Hongkong20061 
Sound & Light Egypt20061 
Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester2005 – 20063 
Spoleto Festival20051 
Small World Big Sky Productions 20051 
Stúdiószínházi Mûhelyek XVI. Fesztiválja20041 
StøpeSkien2003 – 200762 
SMU-Meadows School of the Arts. Division of Theatre2003 – 20052 
The State Opera of Tatarstan (Musa Džalil Tatar theatre of opera and ballet)2003 – 20052 
Swan Theatre Company20031 
Sunset Players of Sharon20031 
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz (Schaubuhne am Lehniner Platz)2002 – 202371 
La Societa per Attori e Parol&Musica2002 – 200516 
Satirikon (Satyricon)20011 
Shared Experience20008 
Stichting Jansen & Jelier19971 
Stage West Theatre Company19961 
Studentersamfundets Interne Teater1994 – 20062 
Statens teaterhøgskole1994 – 200393
Sue Lefton Productions19941 
Seifi Hashem19931 
Samina Peerzadas Ensemble1992 – 19942 
Schauspiel Bonn1987 – 200611 
Sydney Theatre Company1984 – 20066 
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester1976 – 200212 
Sydney Opera House Trust19761 
Studio Formula Nuovo Balletto197511
Saarländischer Rundfunk197421
Stephens College19741 
Sveriges Radio P1 (Svergies Radio P1)19731 
Schauspielensemble Anklam19691 
Svenska Riksteatern - Orebroensemblen19692 
Städtische Bühnen Freiburg19662 
The Sundrive Players19651 
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