Klein Eyolf, 19081127 | Klein Eyolf | 19081127 | 27th November 1908 | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
Klein Eyolf, 19161116 | Klein Eyolf | 19161116 | 16th November 1916 | Grand Théâtre | Grand Théâtre | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 19280313 | Kleine Eyolf | 19280313 | 13th March 1928 | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 19280327 | Kleine Eyolf | 19280327 | 27th March 1928 | Groote Schouwburg | Groote Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 19791101 | Kleine Eyolf | 19791101 | 1st November 1979 | Koninklijke Schouwburg | Koninklijke Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 19941028 | Kleine Eyolf (Traumata) (Kleine Eyolf) | 19941028 | 28th October 1994 | Felix Meritis | Felix Meritis | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 19950324 | Kleine Eyolf | 19950324 | 24th March 1995 | Toneelschuur Haarlem | Toneelschuur Haarlem | Netherlands | |
Klein Eyolf, 19081129 | Klein Eyolf | 19081129 | 29th November 1908 | Nieuwe Schouwburg | Nieuwe Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20120501 | Kleine Eyolf | 20120501 | 1st May 2012 | Nationale Toneel Gebouw | Nationale Toneel Gebouw | Netherlands | 5 |
Kleine Eyolf, 20120530 | Kleine Eyolf | 20120530 | 30th May 2012 | Nationale Toneel Gebouw | Nationale Toneel Gebouw | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000308 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000308 | 8th March 2000 | Grand Theatre | Grand Theatre | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000321 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000321 | 21st March 2000 | Het Park Hoorn | Het Park Hoorn | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000322 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000322 | 22nd March 2000 | Stadstheater | Stadstheater | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000323 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000323 | 23rd March 2000 | Het Witte Theater | Het Witte Theater | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000326 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000326 | 26th March 2000 | Stadsschouwburg Utrecht | Stadsschouwburg Utrecht | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000327 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000327 | 27th March 2000 | Theater Bellevue | Theater Bellevue | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000405 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000405 | 5th April 2000 | Toneelschuur Haarlem | Toneelschuur Haarlem | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000407 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000407 | 7th April 2000 | Chassé Theater | Chassé Theater | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000408 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000408 | 8th April 2000 | Schouwburg Arnhem | Schouwburg Arnhem | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000411 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000411 | 11th April 2000 | LAKtheater | LAKtheater
(Leiden Academic Arts Centre/Leids Academisch Kunstcentrum) | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000413 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000413 | 13th April 2000 | Theater aan het Spui | Theater aan het Spui | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000415 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000415 | 15th April 2000 | Theater Lieve Vrouw | Theater Lieve Vrouw | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000417 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000417 | 17th April 2000 | Harmonie, De | De Harmonie | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000418 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000418 | 18th April 2000 | Theater de Muzeval | Theater de Muzeval | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000420 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000420 | 20th April 2000 | Oosterpoort Groningen, De | De Oosterpoort Groningen | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000422 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000422 | 22nd April 2000 | Theater de Tamboer | Theater de Tamboer | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000425 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000425 | 25th April 2000 | Theater Geert Teis | Theater Geert Teis | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000426 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000426 | 26th April 2000 | Schouwburg De Lawei | Schouwburg De Lawei | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000427 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000427 | 27th April 2000 | Posthuis Theater | Posthuis Theater | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000428 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000428 | 28th April 2000 | Odeon de Spiegel | Odeon de Spiegel | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000501 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000501 | 1st May 2000 | de Klinker | de Klinker | Netherlands | |
Kleine Eyolf, 20000502 | Kleine Eyolf | 20000502 | 2nd May 2000 | Groote Schouwburg | Groote Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Klein Eyolf, 18950122 | Klein Eyolf | 18950122 | 22nd January 1895 | Stadsschouwburg Haarlem | Stadsschouwburg Haarlem | Netherlands | |
Klein Eyolf, 18950127 | Klein Eyolf | 18950127 | 27th January 1895 | Theater van Lier | Theater van Lier | Netherlands | |
Klein Eyolf, 18950120 | Klein Eyolf | 18950120 | 20th January 1895 | Harmonie, De | De Harmonie | Netherlands | |
Kukjata na Kuklata, 201211 | Куќата на Куклата (Kukjata na Kuklata) | 201211 | November
2012 | Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje | Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje
(Факултет за Драмски Уметности во Скопје) | Macedonia | |
Kukjata na Kuklata, 20201115 | Куќата на Куклата (Kukjata na Kuklata) | 20201115 | 15th November 2020 | Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje | Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje
(Факултет за Драмски Уметности во Скопје) | Macedonia | |
Kai mes mirę nubusim, 20100925 | Kai mes mirę nubusim | 20100925 | 25th September 2010 | Juozo Miltinio Dramos Teatras | Juozo Miltinio Dramos Teatras | Lithuania | 3 |
Kai mes mirę nubusim, 20110225 | Kai mes mirę nubusim | 20110225 | 25th February 2011 | Šiaulių dramos teatras | Šiaulių dramos teatras | Lithuania | |
Klein Eyolf, 19040124 | Klein Eyolf | 19040124 | 24th January 1904 | Saal des Gewerbevereins | Saal des Gewerbevereins | Latvia | |
Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies, 19150430 | Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies | 19150430 | 30th April 1915 | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Jaunais Rīgas Teātris | Latvia | |
Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies, 19931206 | Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies | 19931206 | 6th December 1993 | Dailes teātris | Dailes teātris | Latvia | |