Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
Klein Eyolf27th November 1908Stadsschouwburg AmsterdamNetherlands 
Klein Eyolf16th November 1916Grand ThéâtreNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf13th March 1928Stadsschouwburg AmsterdamNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf27th March 1928Groote SchouwburgNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf1st November 1979Koninklijke SchouwburgNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf (Traumata) (Kleine Eyolf)28th October 1994Felix MeritisNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf24th March 1995Toneelschuur HaarlemNetherlands 
Klein Eyolf29th November 1908Nieuwe SchouwburgNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf1st May 2012Nationale Toneel GebouwNetherlands5
Kleine Eyolf30th May 2012Nationale Toneel GebouwNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf8th March 2000Grand TheatreNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf21st March 2000Het Park HoornNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf22nd March 2000StadstheaterNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf23rd March 2000Het Witte TheaterNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf26th March 2000Stadsschouwburg UtrechtNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf27th March 2000Theater BellevueNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf5th April 2000Toneelschuur HaarlemNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf7th April 2000Chassé TheaterNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf8th April 2000Schouwburg ArnhemNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf11th April 2000LAKtheater (Leiden Academic Arts Centre/Leids Academisch Kunstcentrum)Netherlands 
Kleine Eyolf13th April 2000Theater aan het SpuiNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf15th April 2000Theater Lieve VrouwNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf17th April 2000De HarmonieNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf18th April 2000Theater de MuzevalNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf20th April 2000De Oosterpoort GroningenNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf22nd April 2000Theater de TamboerNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf25th April 2000Theater Geert TeisNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf26th April 2000Schouwburg De LaweiNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf27th April 2000Posthuis TheaterNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf28th April 2000Odeon de SpiegelNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf1st May 2000de KlinkerNetherlands 
Kleine Eyolf2nd May 2000Groote SchouwburgNetherlands 
Klein Eyolf22nd January 1895Stadsschouwburg HaarlemNetherlands 
Klein Eyolf27th January 1895Theater van LierNetherlands 
Klein Eyolf20th January 1895De HarmonieNetherlands 
Куќата на Куклата (Kukjata na Kuklata)November 2012Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje (Факултет за Драмски Уметности во Скопје)Macedonia 
Куќата на Куклата (Kukjata na Kuklata)15th November 2020Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje (Факултет за Драмски Уметности во Скопје)Macedonia 
Kai mes mirę nubusim25th September 2010Juozo Miltinio Dramos TeatrasLithuania3
Kai mes mirę nubusim25th February 2011Šiaulių dramos teatrasLithuania 
Klein Eyolf24th January 1904Saal des GewerbevereinsLatvia 
Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies30th April 1915Jaunais Rīgas TeātrisLatvia 
Kad mēs, mirušie, mostamies6th December 1993Dailes teātrisLatvia 
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