Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
John Gabriel Borkman11th October 1911Schauspielhaus DüsseldorfGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman21st January 1985Det Danske TeaterDenmark 
John Gabriel Borkman2nd September 1985Det Kongelige TeaterDenmark 
John Gabriel Borkman31st May 1985Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Residenz TheaterGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman24th June 1985Stadsschouwburg AmsterdamNetherlands 
John Gabriel Borkman11th December 1985Théâtre de l’OdéonFrance 
John Gabriel BorkmanSeptember 1986King's TheatreScotland 
John Gabriel Borkman13th November 1985BurgtheaterAustria 
John Gabriel Borkman27th April 1911PfauentheaterSwitzerland 
John Gabriel Borkman22nd September 1984Schloßtheater CelleGermany 
A Journey Through Peer Gynt29th July 1987Parade TheatreAustralia 
A Journey Through Peer Gynt20th August 1987Canberra Theatre CentreAustralia 
John Gabriel jr.11th September 2014SpikersuppaNorway 
John Gabriel Borkman13th October 1984Städtische BühnenGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman13th October 1984Tiroler LandestheaterAustria 
John Gabriel Borkman6th March 1931Lippisches LandestheaterGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman18th September 2013La Mama TheatreAustralia 
John Gabriel Borkman8th February 1990Avalon Repertory TheatreUnited States of America 
John Gabriel Borkmann21st December 1990Kammerspiele BerlinGermany 
John-Gabriel Borkman3rd January 1989Théâtre de la Cité InternationaleFrance 
John Gabriel Borkman9th March 1988Teatro GrandeItaly 
John Gabriel Borkman16th March 1988Meta-TeatroItaly 
John Gabriel Borkman1st March 1990Reformierte Kirche KüsnachtSwitzerland 
John Gabriel Borkman25th January 1992The Questors PlayhouseEngland 
Jinmin no teki (An Enemy of the People / 人民の敵)5th June 1991Kinokuniya hōru (Kinokuniya Hall)Japan 
John Gabriel Borkman27th May 1988The Hole in the Wall TheatreAustralia 
John Gabriel Borkman14th June 1991Thüringer Landestheater RudolstadtGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman6th October 1988ZürichSwitzerland 
John Gabriel Borkman4th January 1982RAI 2Italy 
Juan Gabriel Borkman25th July 1991Sala Antonio VarasChile 
John Gabriel Borkman21st January 1993Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Salle Charles Apothéloz)Switzerland 
John Gabriel Borkman12th February 1993Théâtre National de BelgiqueBelgium 
John Gabriel Borkman12th March 1993Odéon-Théâtre de l'EuropeFrance 
John Gabriel Borkman9th June 1993Messepalast ViennaAustria 
John Gabriel Borkman25th May 1993Činoherní klubCzech Republic 
John Gabriel Borkman24th February 1982Lyric TheatreNorthern Ireland 
John Gabriel Borkman5th March 1982Theater Baden-BadenGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman16th October 1982Stadsschouwburg AmsterdamNetherlands 
John Gabriel Borkman27th October 1982Schiller-TheaterGermany 
John Gabriel Borkman3rd September 1994Kungliga Dramatiska TeaternSweden 
John Gabriel Borkman8th March 1980Den Nationale SceneNorway 
John Gabriel Borkman14th January 1997Teatro GhioneItaly 
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