Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst Date Venue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Little Eyolf25th September 1997Theatre RoyalEngland 
Little Eyolf25th September 1997Newcastle Haymarket PlayhouseEngland 
The Lady from the Sea13th February 1997Concordia CollegeUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf11th December 1996The Swan TheatreEngland 
Lyver du Peer?24th October 1996Bohusläns TeaterSweden1
Leļļu Nams28th August 1996DalateaternSweden 
The Lady from the Sea10th February 1996Bouwerie Lane TheaterUnited States of America 
The League of Youth9th August 1995The Samuel Beckett TheatreUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea2nd August 1994Lyric TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea2nd August 1994Russell Street TheatreAustralia 
The Lady from the Sea15th June 1994West Yorkshire PlayhouseEngland 
Lyver du, Peer?13th April 1994Nationaltheatret TorshovteatretNorway 
Leļļu Nams26th March 1994Valmieras Dramas TeatrisLatvia 
Little Eyolf4th February 1994The Pearl Theatre CompanyUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea15th October 1993Boston University TheatreUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf8th May 1993Husets TeaterDenmark 
The Lady from the Sea28th April 1993Seaver Theatre, Pomona CollegeUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea11th March 1993Berkeley Repertory TheatreUnited States of America 
Lyver du Peer?1993TampereFinland 
The League of Youth27th November 1992Barbican Arts CentreEngland 
Little Eyolf10th September 1992Target Margin TheaterUnited States of America 
Lyver du Peer?11th June 1992Henrik Ibsen MuseumNorway 
Lille Eyolf7th March 1992TeaterloftetNorway1
Lyver du Peer?1992TelemarkNorway 
Lyver du Peer?1992VestfoldNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th November 1991GolNorway 
Lille Eyolf17th November 1991DrammenNorway 
Lille Eyolf15th November 1991NotoddenNorway 
Lille Eyolf14th November 1991SkienNorway 
Lille Eyolf13th November 1991HønefossNorway 
Lille Eyolf12th November 1991KongsbergNorway 
Lille Eyolf4th November 1991HallundaSweden 
Lille Eyolf2nd November 1991SundsvallSweden 
Lille Eyolf28th October 1991AskimNorway 
Lille Eyolf27th October 1991Nord-OdalNorway 
Lille Eyolf24th October 1991BrumunddalNorway 
Lille Eyolf23rd October 1991FredrikstadNorway 
Lille Eyolf22nd October 1991SarpsborgNorway 
Lille Eyolf21st October 1991HaldenNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th October 1991MoelvNorway 
Lille Eyolf17th October 1991LillehammerNorway 
Lille Eyolf16th October 1991HamarNorway 
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