Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst Date Venue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Un dușman al poporului21st April 2016Teatrul Naţional IasiRomania 
A Doll's House8th April 2016Shaking The Tree Theatre & StudioUnited States of America 
A Doll's House15th March 2016Rhodes University TheatreSouth Africa 
A Doll’s House3rd February 2016Classical Theatre CompanyUnited States of America 
Et dukkehjem30th January 2016Rogaland Teater (Hovedscenen)Norway 
A Doll's House20th January 2016Den Norske Opera & BallettNorway 
Fix&Foxys Et dukkehjem18th November 2015CopenhagenDenmark 
A Doll's House14th November 2015Crafton-Preyer TheatreUnited States of America 
A Doll's House2nd November 2015Barons Court TheatreEngland 
Fix&Foxys Et dukkehjem19th October 2015BaggårdTeatretDenmark 
Fix&Foxys Et dukkehjem16th October 2015Teater Mungo ParkDenmark 
A Doll's House9th October 2015Sherman CymruWales1
A Doll's House4th September 2015Fringe ArtsUnited States of America 
Fix&Foxys Et dukkehjem27th August 2015TeatergradDenmark 
Fix&Foxys Et dukkehjem27th August 2015CopenhagenDenmark 
A Doll's House10th July 2015Rhodes University TheatreSouth Africa 
A Doll's House10th July 2015Center PlayersUnited States of America1
A Doll's House19th June 2015Cumbernauld TheatreScotland 
The Daughter4th June 2015AustraliaAustralia1
A Doll's House3rd June 2015The SpaceEngland 
Et dukkehjem9th May 2015RepubliqueDenmark 
A Doll's House30th April 2015Maidment TheatreNew Zealand 
Dang Women Sizhe Xinglai (When We Dead Awaken / 当我们死者醒来)25th April 2015Xing Kong Juchang (Star Theater)China 
La Dame de la mer10th April 2015Maison des Œuvres Saint MartinFrance 
A Doll's House20th March 2015Burton Taylor StudioEngland 
La donna del mare29th January 2015Teatro HamletItaly1
La Dame de la mer27th January 2015Espace MalrauxFrance 
A Doll's House8th January 2015The Court HouseEngland1
La dame de la mer9th December 2014Bonlieu Scène Nationale AnnecyFrance 
La dame de la mer2nd December 2014Maison de la Culture de BourgesFrance 
La Dame de la mer28th November 2014Le PréO CentrartistiqueFrance 
A Doll's House13th November 2014The Dugdale CentreEngland 
A Doll's House12th November 2014Lakeside TheatreEngland 
A Doll's House10th November 2014Taunton BrewhouseEngland 
A Doll's House8th November 2014The Landmark TheatreEngland 
A Doll's House7th November 2014Merlin TheatreEngland 
A Doll's House6th November 2014Sundial TheatreEngland 
A Doll's House4th November 2014Yvonne Arnaud TheatreEngland 
A Doll's House3rd November 2014Theatre Royal MargateEngland 
A Doll's House31st October 2014Georgian Theatre RoyalEngland 
A Doll's House30th October 2014Lancaster Grand TheatreEngland 
娜拉 (A Doll's House) (Nala)30th October 2014Grand TheatreChina2