Doll's House, A, 20180928 | Nora (A Doll's House) | 20180928 | 28th September 2018 | Stadttheater Bremerhaven | Stadttheater Bremerhaven | Germany | |
Doll’s House, A, 20200924 | A Doll’s House | 20200924 | 24th September 2020 | Yale School of Drama | Yale School of Drama | United States of America | |
Dockhem, Ett, 20201010 | Ett Dockhem | 20201010 | 10th October 2020 | Norrbottensteatern | Norrbottensteatern | Sweden | |
Doll's House, A, 20201029 | A Doll's House | 20201029 | 29th October 2020 | Subiaco Arts Centre | Subiaco Arts Centre | Australia | |
Doll's House, A, 2013 | A Doll's House | 2013 | 2013 | United States | United States | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19700117 | A Doll's House | 19700117 | 17th January 1970 | England | England | England | |
Donna del Mare, La, 1922 | La Donna del Mare | 1922 | 1922 | Italy | Italy | Italy | |
Dolls, 20191026 | Dolls | 20191026 | 26th October 2019 | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20141128 | La Dame de la mer | 20141128 | 28th November 2014 | PréO Centrartistique, Le | Le PréO Centrartistique | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20150127 | La Dame de la mer | 20150127 | 27th January 2015 | Espace Malraux | Espace Malraux | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20150410 | La Dame de la mer | 20150410 | 10th April 2015 | Maison des Œuvres Saint Martin | Maison des Œuvres Saint Martin | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20181031 | La dame de la mer | 20181031 | 31st October 2018 | Oriental Vevey | Oriental Vevey | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20181111 | La dame de la mer | 20181111 | 11th November 2018 | Valère, Théâtre de | Théâtre de Valère | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20181125 | La dame de la mer | 20181125 | 25th November 2018 | Casino Du Brassus | Casino Du Brassus | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20131112 | La dame de la mer | 20131112 | 12th November 2013 | Théâtre Kléber-Méleau | Théâtre Kléber-Méleau | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20131128 | La dame de la mer | 20131128 | 28th November 2013 | Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Grand Théâtre | Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Grand Théâtre | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20140318 | La dame de la mer | 20140318 | 18th March 2014 | Théâtre La Piscine | Théâtre La Piscine | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20140402 | La dame de la mer | 20140402 | 2nd April 2014 | Beausobre, Théâtre de | Théâtre de Beausobre | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20140411 | La dame de la mer | 20140411 | 11th April 2014 | Crochetan, Théâtre du | Théâtre du Crochetan | Switzerland | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20140527 | La dame de la mer | 20140527 | 27th May 2014 | Theater Winterthur | Theater Winterthur | Austria | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20141202 | La dame de la mer | 20141202 | 2nd December 2014 | Maison de la Culture de Bourges | Maison de la Culture de Bourges | France | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20141209 | La dame de la mer | 20141209 | 9th December 2014 | Bonlieu Scène Nationale Annecy | Bonlieu Scène Nationale Annecy | France | |
Dukkehjem, Et, 20210305 | Et dukkehjem ( / A Doll's House) | 20210305 | 5th March 2021 | Nationale Scene, Den | Den Nationale Scene | Norway | |
Dame de la mer, La, 20210130 | La Dame de la mer | 20210130 | 30th January 2021 | Belgium | Belgium | Belgium | |
Doll's house, An, 20210520 | Nora: A Doll's house | 20210520 | 20th May 2021 | Theatre Royal | Theatre Royal | England | |
Doll's house, A, 20210618 | A doll's house | 20210618 | 18th June 2021 | Ingatestone Hall | Ingatestone Hall | England | |
Dobbel salto, 20060220 | Dobbel salto | 20060220 | 20th February 2006 | Norway | Norway | Norway | |
Dama do Mar, A, 1993 | A Dama do Mar | 1993 | 1993 | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | |
Doktor Stockmann, 19890710 | Doktor Stockmann | 19890710 | 10th July 1989 | Estonia | Estonia | Estonia | |
Doll's house, A, 20210930 | A Doll’s House | 20210930 | 30th September 2021 | Telfair Peet Theatre | Telfair Peet Theatre | United States of America | |
Divlja patka, 1984 | Divlja patka | 1984 | 1984 | Serbia | Serbia | Serbia | |
dama del mar, La, 19840319 | La dama del mar | 19840319 | 19th March 1984 | Televisión Española (TVE) | Televisión Española (TVE) | Spain | |
Divá kacka, 19721023 | Divá kacka | 19721023 | 23rd October 1972 | Bratislava | Bratislava | Slovak Republic | |
Doll's House, A, 19660504 | A Doll's House | 19660504 | 4th May 1966 | Canada | Canada | Canada | |
De wilde eend, 19611117 | De wilde eend | 19611117 | 17th November 1961 | Belgium | Belgium | Belgium | |
Doll's House, The, 19470618 | The Doll's House | 19470618 | 18th June 1947 | United States | United States | United States of America | |
Dzika kaczka, 20060527 | Dzika kaczka | 20060527 | 27th May 2006 | Poland | Poland | Poland | |
Doll's house, A, 20220127 | A Doll's house | 20220127 | 27th January 2022 | Glenbard West Theatre | Glenbard West Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll’s House, A, 20220218 | A Doll’s House | 20220218 | 18th February 2022 | Theatre Intime | Theatre Intime | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 20200610 | A Dolls House | 20200610 | 10th June 2020 | Playhouse Theatre, The | The Playhouse Theatre | England | |
Doll's House, A, 20200724 | A Dolls House | 20200724 | 24th July 2020 | Whidbey Island Center for the Arts | Whidbey Island Center for the Arts | United States of America | |
Doll's house, A, 20220817 | Et Dukkehjem (A Doll's House) | 20220817 | 17th August 2022 | Det Kongelige Teater Skuespilhuset | Det Kongelige Teater Skuespilhuset | Denmark | |