Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Nora (A Doll's House)28th September 2018Stadttheater BremerhavenGermany 
A Doll’s House24th September 2020Yale School of DramaUnited States of America 
Ett Dockhem10th October 2020NorrbottensteaternSweden 
A Doll's House29th October 2020Subiaco Arts CentreAustralia 
A Doll's House2013United StatesUnited States of America 
A Doll's House17th January 1970EnglandEngland 
La Donna del Mare1922ItalyItaly 
Dolls26th October 2019PortugalPortugal 
La Dame de la mer28th November 2014Le PréO CentrartistiqueFrance 
La Dame de la mer27th January 2015Espace MalrauxFrance 
La Dame de la mer10th April 2015Maison des Œuvres Saint MartinFrance 
La dame de la mer31st October 2018Oriental VeveySwitzerland 
La dame de la mer11th November 2018Théâtre de ValèreSwitzerland 
La dame de la mer25th November 2018Casino Du BrassusSwitzerland 
La dame de la mer12th November 2013Théâtre Kléber-MéleauSwitzerland 
La dame de la mer28th November 2013Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Grand ThéâtreFrance 
La dame de la mer18th March 2014Théâtre La PiscineFrance 
La dame de la mer2nd April 2014Théâtre de BeausobreSwitzerland 
La dame de la mer11th April 2014Théâtre du CrochetanSwitzerland 
La dame de la mer27th May 2014Theater WinterthurAustria 
La dame de la mer2nd December 2014Maison de la Culture de BourgesFrance 
La dame de la mer9th December 2014Bonlieu Scène Nationale AnnecyFrance 
Et dukkehjem ( / A Doll's House)5th March 2021Den Nationale SceneNorway 
La Dame de la mer30th January 2021BelgiumBelgium 
Nora: A Doll's house20th May 2021Theatre RoyalEngland 
A doll's house18th June 2021Ingatestone HallEngland 
Dobbel salto20th February 2006NorwayNorway 
A Dama do Mar1993PortugalPortugal 
Doktor Stockmann10th July 1989EstoniaEstonia 
A Doll’s House30th September 2021Telfair Peet TheatreUnited States of America 
Divlja patka1984SerbiaSerbia 
La dama del mar19th March 1984Televisión Española (TVE)Spain 
Divá kacka23rd October 1972BratislavaSlovak Republic 
A Doll's House4th May 1966CanadaCanada 
De wilde eend17th November 1961BelgiumBelgium 
The Doll's House18th June 1947United StatesUnited States of America 
Dzika kaczka27th May 2006PolandPoland 
A Doll's house27th January 2022Glenbard West TheatreUnited States of America 
A Doll’s House18th February 2022Theatre IntimeUnited States of America 
A Dolls House10th June 2020The Playhouse TheatreEngland 
A Dolls House24th July 2020Whidbey Island Center for the ArtsUnited States of America 
Et Dukkehjem (A Doll's House)17th August 2022Det Kongelige Teater SkuespilhusetDenmark