Doll's House, A, 19070118 | A Doll's House | 19070118 | 18th January 1907 | Bijou Theatre | Bijou Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19070114 | A Doll's House | 19070114 | 14th January 1907 | Princess Theatre | Princess Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19070108 | A Doll's House | 19070108 | 8th January 1907 | Houston Theatre | Houston Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19061226 | A Doll's House | 19061226 | 26th December 1906 | Capital Theater | Capital Theater | United States of America | |
Dukkehjem, Et, 19061127 | Et Dukkehjem | 19061127 | 27th November 1906 | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Norway | |
Dukkehjem, Et, 19060925 | Et Dukkehjem | 19060925 | 25th September 1906 | Kongelige Teater, Det | Det Kongelige Teater | Denmark | |
Dame de la Mer, La, 19060921 | La Dame de la Mer | 19060921 | 21st September 1906 | Théâtre de Genève | Théâtre de Genève | Switzerland | |
Dukkehjem, Et, 19060601 | Et Dukkehjem | 19060601 | 1st June 1906 | Fahlstrøms Theater | Fahlstrøms Theater | Norway | |
Divlja patka, 19060524 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19060524 | 24th May 1906 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Dzika kaczka, 19060306 | Dzika kaczka | 19060306 | 6th March 1906 | Teatr Miejski | Teatr Miejski | Poland | |
Doktor Štokman, 1906 | Doktor Štokman (Doctor Stockmann / Доктор Штокман) | 1906 | 1906 | Berliner Theater | Berliner Theater | Germany | |
Divoká kachna, 19051108 | Divoká kachna | 19051108 | 8th November 1905 | Národní divadlo | Národní divadlo | Czech Republic | |
Die Stützen der Gesellschaft, 19051004 | Die Stützen der Gesellschaft | 19051004 | 4th October 1905 | Odeon Theatre | Odeon Theatre | United States of America | |
Džons Gabriels Borkmanis, 19050921 | Džons Gabriels Borkmanis | 19050921 | 21st September 1905 | Rīgas Latviešu teātris | Rīgas Latviešu teātris | Latvia | |
Doll's House, A, 19050921 | A Doll´s House | 19050921 | 21st September 1905 | Academy | Academy | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050920 | A Doll´s House | 19050920 | 20th September 1905 | Academy of Music | Academy of Music | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050919 | A Doll´s House | 19050919 | 19th September 1905 | New Masonic Theatre | New Masonic Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050915 | A Doll´s House | 19050915 | 15th September 1905 | The Academy | The Academy | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050912 | A Doll´s House | 19050912 | 12th September 1905 | The Auditorium | The Auditorium | United States of America | |
Dukkehjem, Et, 19050908 | Et Dukkehjem | 19050908 | 8th September 1905 | Kongelige Teater, Det | Det Kongelige Teater | Denmark | |
Doll's House, A, 19050906 | A Doll´s House | 19050906 | 6th September 1905 | Academy of Music | Academy of Music | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050905 | A Doll's House | 19050905 | 5th September 1905 | Academy of Music | Academy of Music | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050902 | A Doll´s House | 19050902 | 2nd September 1905 | The Academy | The Academy | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050830 | A Doll's House | 19050830 | 30th August 1905 | Morosco's | Morosco's | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 190508 | A Doll´s House | 190508 | August
1905 | Proctor´s Fifth Avenue Theatre | Proctor´s Fifth Avenue Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050704 | A Doll´s House | 19050704 | 4th July 1905 | California Theatre | California Theatre | United States of America | |
Dzika kaczka, 19050703 | Dzika kaczka | 19050703 | 3rd July 1905 | Teatr Letni | Teatr Letni | Poland | |
Doll's House, A, 19050628 | A Doll´s House | 19050628 | 28th June 1905 | California Theatre | California Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19050502 | A Doll's House | 19050502 | 2nd May 1905 | New Lyceum Theatre | New Lyceum Theatre | United States of America | |
Dzhon Gabriel Borkman, 19050123 | Dzhon Gabriel Borkman | 19050123 | 23rd January 1905 | Naroden teatar | Naroden teatar | Bulgaria | |
Doll's House, A, 19050110 | A Doll's House | 19050110 | 10th January 1905 | Grand Wednesday | Grand Wednesday | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041217 | A Doll's House | 19041217 | 17th December 1904 | Halloran's Theatre | Halloran's Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041130 | A Doll's House | 19041130 | 30th November 1904 | Opera House | Opera House | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041127 | A Doll's House | 19041127 | 27th November 1904 | Derthick Opera House | Derthick Opera House | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041125 | A Doll's House | 19041125 | 25th November 1904 | Grand Opera House | Grand Opera House | United States of America | |
Džon Gabriel' Borkman, 19041119 | Džon Gabriel' Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman / Джон Габриель Боркман) | 19041119 | 19th November 1904 | Malyj Teatr | Malyj Teatr
(Maly Theatre) | Russia | |
Doll's House, A, 19041026 | A Doll's House | 19041026 | 26th October 1904 | Grand Opera House | Grand Opera House | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041016 | A Doll's House | 19041016 | 16th October 1904 | Turner Theatre | Turner Theatre | United States of America | |
Doll's House, A, 19041011 | A Doll's House | 19041011 | 11th October 1904 | Grand Opera House | Grand Opera House | United States of America | |
Doktor Štokman, 19040926 | Doktor Štokman (An Enemy of the People / Враг народа) | 19040926 | 26th September 1904 | Theatre of the Artistic Society | Theatre of the Artistic Society | Georgia | |
Doll's House, A, 19040523 | A Doll's House | 19040523 | 23rd May 1904 | Garrick Theatre | Garrick Theatre | United States of America | |
Divlja patka, 19040514 | Divlja patka (The Wild Duck) | 19040514 | 14th May 1904 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |