Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
Ibsen: John Gabriel Borkman16th November 2015LOT-TheaterGermany 
Ibsen: John Gabriel Borkman17th November 2016Studiobühne KölnGermany 
Ibsen: Gespenster13th December 2016Théâtre National de StrasbourgFrance 
Irene ou la résurrection de Maurice Clavel, d' après "Quand nous nous réveillons d' entre les morts" d' Henrik Ibsen21st October 1976Nouveau Carré Silvia MonfortFrance 
Ibsen Huis (Ibsen House)15th July 2017Cour du Lycee Saint-JosephFrance1
Il était une fois à Gyntiana16th June 2023Théâtre 13France 
Ibsendekonstruktion 1: Gengångare12th June 2010HangöFinland 
Ibsen: Gespenster23rd August 2016Korjaamo TeatteriFinland 
Inger Östråtin rouva7th December 1916Kansan NäyttämöFinland 
Ibsen Playreading: Love´s Comedy (1862)16th January 2006Lyttelton TheatreEngland 
Ibsen Kvinner - sett en ørn i bur1st December 2006Kunstforeningen GL STRANDDenmark 
IB3EN14th February 2013Teater MomentumDenmark 
Ibsen’s Children17th November 2011Augustana TheatreCanada 
Indian Arm8th April 2015Studio 16Canada 
Um inimigo do povo23rd January 1978Teatro Municipal de Santo AndréBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo17th May 1977Teatro da AMIBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo11th December 1985Teatro da UFSCBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo10th May 1994Teatro do IBEUBrazil 
O Inimigo do Povo8th May 1997Casa da GáveaBrazil 
O Inimigo do PovoAugust 1997Teatro AbelBrazil 
O Inimigo do PovoMarch 1998Teatro Sérgio CardosoBrazil 
Um Inimigo do Povo29th August 1969Teatro São PedroBrazil 
Um Inimigo do PovoOctober 1969Teatro ColiseuBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo7th January 1967Teatro Popular do NordesteBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo12th May 2005Teatro ApoloBrazil 
Um inimigo do povoAugust 2005Teatro Santa IsabelBrazil 
O Inimigo do Povo30th September 2006Temporada SESC de ArtesBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo4th July 1952Teatro MunicipalBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)17th May 2018Instituto LINGBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)21st June 2019Teatro do SESC CentroBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)30th August 2019Teatro Glênio PeresBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)7th October 2018Theatro São PedroBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)21st May 2019Teatro do SESC CentroBrazil 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)2nd November 2018Teatro RenascençaBrazil 
O Inimigo do Povo12th January 2007Teatro Ruth EscobarBrazil 
Instinto (Instinct)4th June 2023Teatro Oficina Olga Reverbel do Multipalco Eva SopherBrazil 
Um Inimigo do Povo7th April 2022Teatro Aliança FrancesaBrazil5
O inimigo do povo29th September 2022Itaú CulturalBrazil 
Um inimigo do povo15th September 2022Centro Cultural PortuguêsBrazil1
Um Inimigo do povo14th March 2024Teatro Paulo EiróBrazil1
Um Inimigo do povo4th April 2024Teatro Alfredo MesquitaBrazil1
Um Inimigo do povo18th April 2024Teatro Calida BeckerBrazil1
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