Peer Gynt, 19380901 | Peer Gynt | 19380901 | 1st September 1938 | Trøndelag Teater | Trøndelag Teater | Norway | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 19480302 | Peer Gynt | 19480302 | 2nd March 1948 | Det Norske Teatret (i Stortingsgata) | Det Norske Teatret (i Stortingsgata) | Norway | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20180909 | Peer Gynt | 20180909 | 9th September 2018 | Norske Teatret, Det | Det Norske Teatret | Norway | 1 |
Peer Gynt Dub, 20191122 | Peer Gynt Dub | 20191122 | 22nd November 2019 | Nationale Scene, Den | Den Nationale Scene | Norway | 1 |
Privideniâ, 199012 | Privideniâ (Ghosts / Привидения) | 199012 | December
1990 | Moskovskij dramatičeskij teatr imeni K. Stanislavskogo (Stanislavskij Elektroteater) | Moskovskij dramatičeskij teatr imeni K. Stanislavskogo (Stanislavsij Elektroteater) | Russia | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20200508 | Peer Gynt | 20200508 | 8th May 2020 | Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire | England | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 1986 | Peer Gynt | 1986 | 1986 | NRK TV (Norge) | NRK TV (Norge) | Norway | 1 |
Per Gûnt, 1968 | Per Gûnt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 1968 | 1968 | Leningradskoe televidenie | Leningradskoe televidenie
(Leningrad Television) | Russia | 1 |
Per Gûnt, 1993 | Per Gûnt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 1993 | 1993 | Moscow | Moscow | Russia | 1 |
Pillars of Society, The, 20200215 | The Pillars of Society (Oi Stylovátes tis koinonías / Οι Στυλοβάτες της κοινωνίας) | 20200215 | 15th February 2020 | Kratikó Théatro Voreíou Elládos, To | To Kratikó Théatro Voreíou Elládos
(National Theatre of Northern Greece) | Greece | 1 |
Per Gûnt, 1979 | Per Gûnt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 1979 | 1979 | Russia | Russia | Russia | 1 |
PeerGyn Trip, 20221119 | PeerGyn Trip | 20221119 | 19th November 2022 | Teatro del Loto | Teatro del Loto | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20161012 | Peer Gynt | 20161012 | 12th October 2016 | Porton de Sanchez, El | El Porton de Sanchez | Argentina | 1 |
Per Gjunt, 20220204 | Per Gjunt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 20220204 | 4th February 2022 | Sofia Theatre | Sofia Theatre | Bulgaria | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20230721 | Peer Gynt | 20230721 | 21st July 2023 | Schloss Nymphenburg | Schloß Nymphenburg | Germany | 1 |
Per Hiunt, 20200908 | Per Hiunt (Peer Gynt / Пэр Гюнт) | 20200908 | 8th September 2020 | Vialiki teatr Bielarusi | Vialiki teatr Bielarusi
(Bolshoi Theater of Belarus) | Belarus | 1 |
Per Gûnt, 20220918 | Per Gûnt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 20220918 | 18th September 2022 | Bolshoi theatre | Большой театр
(Bolshoi theatre) | Russia | 1 |
Per Gûnt – Skazka dlâ vzroslyh, 20220916 | Per Gûnt – Skazka dlâ vzroslyh (Peer Gynt – Fairy tale for adults / Пер Гюнт. Сказка для взрослых) | 20220916 | 16th September 2022 | Moskóvskiy dramatícheskiy teátr imeni Marii Nikolayevny Yermólovoy | Moskóvskiy dramatícheskiy teátr imeni Marii Nikolayevny Yermólovoy
(The Yermolova Theatre) | Russia | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20231006 | Peer Gynt | 20231006 | 6th October 2023 | Theater an der Wilhelmshöhe | Theater an der Wilhelmshöhe | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20231007 | Peer Gynt | 20231007 | 7th October 2023 | Nordseehalle | Nordseehalle | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20231009 | Peer Gynt | 20231009 | 9th October 2023 | Theaterring Lohne | Theaterring Lohne | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20231116 | Peer Gynt | 20231116 | 16th November 2023 | Schwabenlandhalle Fellbach Hölderlinsaal | Schwabenlandhalle Fellbach, Hölderlinsaal | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20231201 | Peer Gynt | 20231201 | 1st December 2023 | Brandenburger Theater | Brandenburger Theater | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20240222 | Peer Gynt | 20240222 | 22nd February 2024 | Bürgerhaus Neuer Markt | Bürgerhaus Neuer Markt | Germany | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20221123 | Peer Gynt | 20221123 | 23rd November 2022 | Théâtre Varia | Théâtre Varia | Belgium | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20240522 | Peer Gynt | 20240522 | 22nd May 2024 | Grieghallen (Klokkeklang) | Grieghallen (Klokkeklang) | Norway | 1 |
Per Gyunt, 20240225 | Per Gyunt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 20240225 | 25th February 2024 | Almaty theatre | Almaty theatre | Kazakhstan | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20240116 | Peer Gynt | 20240116 | 16th January 2024 | Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino | Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt op.23, 20240315 | Peer Gynt op.23 | 20240315 | 15th March 2024 | Teatro Massimo Bellini | Teatro Massimo Bellini | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt op.23, 20240112 | Peer Gynt op.23 | 20240112 | 12th January 2024 | Teatro Lirico di Cagliari | Teatro Lirico di Cagliari | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20110430 | Peer Gynt | 20110430 | 30th April 2011 | Teatro Carignano | Teatro Carignano | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20240921 | Peer Gynt | 20240921 | 21st September 2024 | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen | Norway | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 20140523 | Peer Gynt | 20140523 | 23rd May 2014 | Casa Teatro Ragazzi | Casa Teatro Ragazzi | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 19990603 | Peer Gynt | 19990603 | 3rd June 1999 | Teatro di Legno | Teatro di Legno | Italy | 1 |
Per Gûnt, 20240314 | Per Gûnt (Peer Gynt / Пер Гюнт) | 20240314 | 14th March 2024 | Gosudarstvennyy Russkiy Dramaticheskiy Teatr | Gosudarstvennyy Russkiy Dramaticheskiy Teatr | Russia | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20210926 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20210926 | 26th September 2021 | Teatro Villoresi | Teatro Villoresi | Italy | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20210927 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20210927 | 27th September 2021 | Teatro Leonardo da Vinci | Teatro Leonardo da Vinci | Italy | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20220429 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20220429 | 29th April 2022 | Cinema Teatro Nuovo Varese | Cinema Teatro Nuovo Varese | Italy | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20230331 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20230331 | 31st March 2023 | Cineteatro Astrolabio | Cineteatro Astrolabio | Italy | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20230415 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20230415 | 15th April 2023 | Teatro Comunale Pedrazzoli | Teatro Comunale Pedrazzoli | Italy | 1 |
popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo), Il, 20230506 | Il popolo dell'acqua (Un nemico del popolo) | 20230506 | 6th May 2023 | Teatro Duse | Teatro Duse | Italy | 1 |
Peer Gynt, 19801109 | Peer Gynt | 19801109 | 9th November 1980 | Teatro La Fenice | Teatro La Fenice | Italy | 1 |