Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
The Lady from the Sea11th September 1991Nationaltheatret HovedscenenNorway 
The Lady from the Sea2nd November 1977Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea4th November 1928Apollo TheatreEngland 
Little Eyolf3rd December 1928Everyman TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea18th March 1929Bijou TheatreUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf15th October 1929CentralteatretNorway 
Little Eyolf2nd February 1979Tyrone Guthrie TheaterUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf23rd August 1974Parade TheatreAustralia 
The League of Youth1st March 1979Drama Committee Repertory TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf18th March 1975Assembly RoomsEngland 
Little Eyolf10th April 1979University Theatre, Indiana UniversityUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf28th June 1979Roundabout Stage IIUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea12th October 1979Westside Repertory TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf6th February 1981Maddermarket TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea27th February 1976Circle in the Square TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf28th November 1979Haymarket Theatre LeicesterEngland 
The Lady From the Sea13th September 1972Playhouse TheatreAustralia 
The Lady from the Sea16th June 1981People's TheatreEngland 
Lille Eyolf18th September 1981Bristol Music Centre's TeaterDenmark 
The lady from the sea22nd October 1981Studio TheaterUnited States of America 
Love's Comedy22nd July 1983Eddy TheaterUnited States of America 
Lėlių namai12th October 2006Kauno mažasis teatrasLithuania 
The Lady from the Sea16th March 1950East Balcony Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf19th January 1984Actor's Outlet TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf22nd June 1984Eddy TheaterUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf7th March 2006Det Kongelige TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf28th March 2006Lyngby kulturhusDenmark 
Lille Eyolf29th March 2006BorupgårdteatretDenmark 
Lille Eyolf31st March 2006Slagelse TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf2nd April 2006Herlev teaterbioDenmark 
Lille Eyolf3rd April 2006Lynghøj TeatersalDenmark 
Lille Eyolf4th April 2006Grønnegades Kaserne KulturcenterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf6th April 2006Esbjerg TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf7th April 2006Horsens Ny TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf8th April 2006Jysk Musik & TeaterhusDenmark 
Lille Eyolf9th April 2006Taastrup TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf18th April 2006Sønderborg TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf19th April 2006Stadttheater FlensburgGermany 
Lille Eyolf20th April 2006HarmonienDenmark 
Lille Eyolf21st April 2006Fredericia TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf23rd April 2006Musikteatret VejleDenmark 
Lille Eyolf24th April 2006Skive TheaterDenmark 
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