Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
Lille Eyolf26th September 2006Förslöv skolaSweden 
Love's Comedy22nd February 1909Gaiety TheatreEngland 
The Liar - Part III of the Peer Gynt Project / Løgneren - frit efter Peer Gynt15th September 2006Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose UniversityUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf19th September 1910Garrick TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf5th October 1988Garrison TheatreUnited States of America 
Lady Inger of Ostraat26th March 1947Gateway Theatre ClubEngland 
Love's Comedy31st May 2006George Bernard Shaw TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea6th September 2000George Mason Center for the ArtsUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea11th September 1988Glasgow Citizens' TheatreScotland 
Lille Eyolf5th October 1991GlomfjordNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th November 1991GolNorway 
The Lady from the Sea22nd May 1961Golders Green HippodromeEngland 
Lady Inger of Oestrat (Lady Inger)12th February 1903Grand Opera HouseUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf24th February 1958Grand TheatreEngland 
Lille Eyolf25th November 1998Granvin KulturhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf22nd April 2018Granvin KulturhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th September 1991Grimstad KulturhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf17th November 1998Grimstad KulturhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf4th April 2006Grønnegades Kaserne KulturcenterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf26th November 1998Gullbring kulturanleggNorway 
Lille Eyolf25th April 2018Gullbring kulturanleggNorway 
Lille Eyolf2nd October 2006GullstrandskolanSweden 
Lille Eyolf8th October 2006Gävle TeaterSweden 
Lille Eyolf21st October 1991HaldenNorway 
Lille Eyolf4th November 1991HallundaSweden 
Lille Eyolf16th October 1991HamarNorway 
Lille Eyolf11th April 2018HamsunsenteretNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th April 2006HarmonienDenmark 
Little Eyolf24th October 2003Hart House TheatreCanada 
The League of Youth21st October 1978Hart House TheatreCanada 
Little Eyolf4th February 1911Hastings PierEngland 
Little Eyolf28th November 1979Haymarket Theatre LeicesterEngland 
The Lady from the Sea19th March 2010Hemsley TheatreUnited States of America 
Lyver du Peer?11th June 1992Henrik Ibsen MuseumNorway 
Lille Eyolf2nd April 2006Herlev teaterbioDenmark 
Lille Eyolf27th April 2006Hjørring TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf7th April 2006Horsens Ny TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf12th June 1895Horsens TeaterDenmark 
Love's Comedy23rd March 1908Hudson TheatreUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf8th May 1993Husets TeaterDenmark 
Lille Eyolf10th March 1895Hälsingborgs Teater (Den gamla teatern)Sweden 
Lille Eyolf13th November 1991HønefossNorway 
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