Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
"Ibsens Gengangere: Forbannelsen" - av Sophia Kingshill23rd February 1995Scene XNorway1
"Ibsens Gengangere: Forbannelsen" - av Sophia Kingshill1st September 1996Scene XNorway 
Ibsens barn27th November 1998Romerike FolkehøgskoleNorway 
Ibsens barn3rd May 2006KunsthøgskolenNorway 
Ibsen Online - En online oppsetning inspirert av Henrik Ibsens skuespill "De unges forbund"4th June 2010Twitter og OrigoNorway 
Ibsenmaskin26th August 2010Nationaltheatret HovedscenenNorway 
Ibsens barn2nd December 2010Romerike FolkehøgskoleNorway 
Ibsen på Mela. Lesing fra Ibsens En folkefiende på hindi25th August 2012KontraskjæretNorway 
Ibsendekonstruktion 1: Gengångare8th September 2010Nationaltheatret MalersalenNorway 
Ibsen Montage12th June 2014Gamle RådhusNorway 
Ibsen In One Take12th September 2014Nationaltheatret AmfiscenenNorway 
Ibsens Gjenganger - av Kenneth Dean11th February 1997Black Box Teater (Lille scene) på Aker bryggeNorway 
Ibsen Kvinner - sett en ørn i bur1991NorwayNorway 
IBSEN: PEER GYNT15th September 2016Nationaltheatret AmfiscenenNorway 
Ibsens små djevler20th September 2016Nationaltheatret AmfiscenenNorway 
Inn i Peer Gynts rike6th June 2006Hamar RådhusNorway 
Inn i Peer Gynts rike9th May 2007OsloNorway 
Inn i Peer Gynts rike12th November 2012Den Nationale SceneNorway 
Ibsen in pieces30th May 2015Westerdals Oslo ACT (Campus Vaterland)Norway 
Inimigos na casa de bonecas (Enemies in the Doll's House)23rd October 2019Teater IbsenNorway 
Ibsenfestivalen 199030th August 1990NationaltheatretNorway 
Ibsens små djevler8th August 2024Elverum kulturhusNorway 
Ibsens små djevler10th September 2024Kulturhuset ÆlvespeiletNorway 
Ibsens små djevler26th September 2024GrefsenkollenNorway 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies5th October 2008Friends Sports FieldPalestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies7th October 2008Jamiaat Al-Najah (Al-Najah University)Palestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies9th October 2008UNRWA SchoolPalestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies11th October 2008Mal'ab Qalqilya al-Baladi (Qalqilya Municipal Stadium)Palestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies13th October 2008Stadium, JerichoPalestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies16th October 2008Halhool Yard, HebronPalestinian Territories 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies18th October 2008Al-Mahd Yard, BetlehemPalestinian Territories 
Um inimigo do povo31st May 1972Teatro CapitólioPortugal 
O inimigo do povo7th November 1997Teatro Municipal Sá de MirandaPortugal 
O inimigo do povo5th February 1998Teatro CircoPortugal 
Un inimigo do povo12th October 2006Teatro Garcia de ResendePortugal2
Un inimigo do povo27th March 2007Teatro Garcia de ResendePortugal 
Un inimigo do povo9th February 2007Teatro da MalapostaPortugal 
Un inimigo do povo17th February 2007Centro Cultural de RedondoPortugal 
Un inimigo do povo1st March 2007Teatro Municipal de AlmadaPortugal 
Un inimigo do povo14th April 2007Teatro Curvo SemedoPortugal 
Um Inimigo do Povo30th October 2013Teatro da ComunaPortugal 
Um Inimigo do Povo8th February 2014Teatro Municipal Joaquim BenitePortugal 
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