Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst Date Venue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Lady Inger of Ostrat31st October 1927Century TheatreEngland 
Liga tineretului (Liga tinerimii)1928Teatrul Naţional din CernăuţiUkraine 
The Lady from the Sea12th March 1928Maddermarket TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea18th March 1928Arts TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea4th November 1928Apollo TheatreEngland 
Little Eyolf3rd December 1928Everyman TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea1929United StatesUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea18th March 1929Bijou TheatreUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf15th October 1929CentralteatretNorway 
Little Eyolf8th March 1930Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
Little Eyolf23rd June 1930Malvern TheatreEngland 
Little Eyolf15th October 1930Arts Theatre ClubEngland 
L’ànec salvatge14th March 1931Teatre Olimp (Teatro Olimpo)Spain 
Little Eyolf29th January 1932The Guild TheatreUnited States of America 
The Lady From the Sea27th February 1932SarniaCanada 
The Lady from the Sea21st April 1932Technical School AuditoriumCanada 
Liga tineretului7th November 1932Teatrul National BucurestiRomania 
Little Eyolf14th January 1934The Playbox Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea17th March 1934People's TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea1st May 1934Little TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf10th October 1934People's TheatreEngland 
Love's Comedy29th October 1934Padua Hills PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Love's Comedy25th January 1935Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf ( / 조그만 에이올프)11th December 1936Pumin'gwan (Bumingwan)South Korea 
The Lady from the Sea21st February 1937The Playbox Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf6th January 1941Recital Hall, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf10th October 1941NationaltheatretNorway 
The Lady From the Sea2nd March 1942Recital Hall, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea24th February 1945Chanticleer Theatre ClubEngland 
Little Eyolf12th June 1945Embassy TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea8th August 1945Dublin Gate Theatre (Gate Theatre)Ireland 
The Lady from the Sea20th November 1945Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
The Lady from the Sea13th March 1946Arts Theatre ClubEngland 
The Lady From the Sea20th February 1947West Balcony Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Lady Inger of Ostraat26th March 1947Gateway Theatre ClubEngland 
League of Youth19th February 1948West Balcony Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
Leļļu nams5th January 1950Akadēmiskajā drāmas teātrī (Akadē;miskajā drāmas teātrī)Latvia 
The Lady from the Sea16th March 1950East Balcony Theatre, Pasadena PlayhouseUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea7th August 1950Fulton TheatreUnited States of America 
The Lady from the Sea6th March 1951Christchurch Studio TheatreEngland 
Lille Eyolf12th April 1951NRK Radio (Norge)Norway 
Little Eyolf4th December 1951Eldred TheatreUnited States of America 
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