Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
I Nora (Nora / Nopa)1st October 1930Theatro Apollon (Apollo Theater)Greece 
I pyrgodespoina Ingker tou Estrot (Lady Inger / Η Κυρία Ίνγκερ από το Έστροτ)15th December 1985EPT A’ Programma RadioGreece 
I kyra tis thalassas (Lady Inger / Η Κυρία Ίνγκερ από το Έστροτ)15th May 1986EPT A’ Programma RadioGreece 
I kyra tis thalassas (Lady Inger / Η Κυρία Ίνγκερ από το Έστροτ)4th November 1994Theatro tis odou Kefallinias (Θέατρο Οδού Κεφαλληνίας)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)3rd January 2015Theatro EkatiGreece 
I komodia tou erota (Love's Comedy / Η κωμωδία του έρωτα)4th July 1962EIR Ethnikon Programma RadioGreece 
I giortí sto Solcháounk (The Feast at Solhoug / Η γιορτή στο Σολχάουγκ)8th July 1953B’ Programma Radio (Ethnikó Ídryma Radiofonías) (Second Program (National Radio Foundation))Greece 
I kyra-Ingker ap’ to Ostrot (Lady Inger / Η Κυρία Ίνγκερ από το Έστροτ)7th November 1945Theatro Rex (Rex Theatre)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)25th May 2018Théatro Poreía (Poreia theatre)Greece 
Isten éltessen, Hedvig Ekdal18th February 2005Trafó Kortárs Művészetek HázaHungary 
Isten éltessen, Hedvig Ekdal1st May 2005Merlin SzínházHungary 
Ibsendekonstruktion 1: Gengångare4th September 2010LókalIceland 
ID - Identity of the Soul. A cinematic live performance about revenge, reconciliation and the individual, based on Ibsen’s poem Terje Vigen and Darwish’s A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies5th October 2008Al-Motran, JerusalemIsrael 
Imperatore e Galileo10th December 1902Politeama VerdiItaly 
Il costruttore Solness1st December 2018Teatro VertigoItaly3
Il costruttore Sollness1st April 1960ItalyItaly 
Ibseniane - Le donne di Ibsen21st May 2022Teatro dei SegniItaly 
Interno di Casa con bambola22nd November 2015Teatro SavioItaly1
IO è CIPOLLA (Peer Gynt)14th January 2008Teatro LiberoItaly1
Il lungo e impossibile viaggio intorno a Nora Helmer14th October 1974Rai Radio 3Italy 
Il Piccolo Eyolf - The Original Son21st May 2014Teatro Spazio TertullianoItaly1
Il Piccolo Eyolf - The Original Son22nd November 2014FE Fabbrica dell'EsperienzaItaly1
Il Piccolo Eyolf - The Original Son29th November 2014Piccolo Teatro dei SassiItaly1
Ibsen Summer Rave13th July 2018Sala TeatroItaly2
Ibsen Summer Rave4th October 2018Sala TeatroItaly2
Ipusen no on'na-tachi (Ibsen's women / イプセンの女たち)10th November 2006Ōsakafu Tachi josei sōgō sentā (Osaka Prefectural Women's Center)Japan 
Ipusen no on'na-tachi (Ibsen's women / イプセンの女たち)30th November 2013A uru su potto (Owl Spot)Japan 
Ibzen mašina28th April 2024Crnogorsko Narodno PozoristeMontenegro 
Ibsen In One Take27th September 2013RotterdamNetherlands 
Ibsen324th September 2009Verkadefabriek Den BoschNetherlands 
Ibsen38th October 2009Het KruithuisNetherlands 
Ibsen39th October 2009Toneelschuur HaarlemNetherlands 
Ibsen316th October 2009Stadsschouwburg UtrechtNetherlands 
Ibsen317th October 2009Chassé TheaterNetherlands 
Ibsen310th November 2009AINSINetherlands 
Ibsen311th November 2009Plaza FuturaNetherlands 
Ibsen: Gespenster10th February 2015Theater FrascatiNetherlands 
Ibsen Huis (Ibsen House)9th May 2017Toneelgroep Theater, Stadsschouwburg NijmegenNetherlands1
Ibsen Huis (Ibsen House)5th November 2021ITA ensembleNetherlands 
Ibsenperioden : utdrag fra Et dukkehjem og Hedda Gabler av Henrik Ibsen (The Ibsen period: excerpts from A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen)7th May 1992Statens TeaterhøgskoleNorway1
Ibsens barn. «Å hvor vårt hjem er lunt og smukt» - basert på fire skuespill av Henrik Ibsen10th October 1992TeaterloftetNorway1
Ibsens barn. «Å hvor vårt hjem er lunt og smukt» - basert på fire skuespill av Henrik Ibsen31st August 1994Nationaltheatret AmfiscenenNorway 
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