Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Little Eyolf13th May 1907Carnegie LyceumUnited States of America 
Love's Comedy23rd March 1908Hudson TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf18th April 1910Nazimova's 39th St. TheatreUnited States of America 
Little Eyolf19th September 1910Garrick TheatreUnited States of America 
Lille Eyolf7th September 1990Universitetet i UrbygningenNorway 
Little Eyolf7th September 1991Universitetet i UrbygningenNorway 
Lyver du, Peer? - Bearbeidet for barn etter Henrik Ibsens "Peer Gynt" av Bente Lavik9th September 1991Nationaltheatret PublikumsfoajéenNorway 
Lille Eyolf18th September 1991SandefjordNorway 
Lille Eyolf19th September 1991TønsbergNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th September 1991Grimstad KulturhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf22nd September 1991KristiansandNorway 
Lille Eyolf24th September 1991FarsundNorway 
Lille Eyolf25th September 1991TonstadNorway 
Lille Eyolf26th September 1991KvinesdalNorway 
Lille Eyolf27th September 1991MandalNorway 
Lille Eyolf29th September 1991RisørNorway 
Lille Eyolf30th September 1991UlefossNorway 
Lille Eyolf5th October 1991GlomfjordNorway 
Lille Eyolf6th October 1991BodøNorway 
Lille Eyolf7th October 1991Mo i RanaNorway 
Lille Eyolf8th October 1991MosjøenNorway 
Lille Eyolf9th October 1991BrønnøysundNorway 
Lille Eyolf10th October 1991NamsosNorway 
Lille Eyolf11th October 1991VerdalNorway 
Lille Eyolf13th October 1991SakshaugNorway 
Lille Eyolf14th October 1991MelhusNorway 
Lille Eyolf15th October 1991TynsetNorway 
Lille Eyolf16th October 1991HamarNorway 
Lille Eyolf17th October 1991LillehammerNorway 
Lille Eyolf20th October 1991MoelvNorway 
Lille Eyolf21st October 1991HaldenNorway 
Lille Eyolf22nd October 1991SarpsborgNorway 
Lille Eyolf23rd October 1991FredrikstadNorway 
Lille Eyolf24th October 1991BrumunddalNorway 
Lille Eyolf27th October 1991Nord-OdalNorway 
Lille Eyolf28th October 1991AskimNorway 
Lille Eyolf2nd November 1991SundsvallSweden 
Lille Eyolf4th November 1991HallundaSweden 
Lille Eyolf12th November 1991KongsbergNorway 
Lille Eyolf13th November 1991HønefossNorway 
Lille Eyolf14th November 1991SkienNorway 
Lille Eyolf15th November 1991NotoddenNorway 
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