Afturgöngur, 19041113 | Afturgöngur | 19041113 | 13th November 1904 | Borgarleikhúsið | Borgarleikhúsið | Iceland | |
Act IV of Brand, 19061207 | Act IV of Brand | 19061207 | 7th December 1906 | Molesworth Hall | Molesworth Hall | Ireland | |
agriopapia, I, 19120905 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19120905 | 5th September 1912 | Aithousa Anaplaseos | Aithousa Anaplaseos | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19121102 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19121102 | 2nd November 1912 | Aithousa Xrysostomos | Aithousa Xrysostomos | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19130206 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19130206 | 6th February 1913 | Theatro Polytheama | Theatro Polytheama
(Polytheama theater) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19150708 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19150708 | 8th July 1915 | Theatro Kyvelis | Theatro Kyvelis
(Kyvelis Theater) | Greece | |
Afturgöngur, 19200611 | Afturgöngur | 19200611 | 11th June 1920 | Borgarleikhúsið | Borgarleikhúsið | Iceland | |
Archimastoras Solnes, 19250115 | Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες) | 19250115 | 15th January 1925 | Ethniko Theatro | Ethniko Theatro
(National Theater) | Greece | |
Archimastoras Solnes, 19250925 | Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες) | 19250925 | 25th September 1925 | Theatro Pantheon | Theatro Pantheon | Greece | |
Afturgöngur, 19270323 | Afturgöngur | 19270323 | 23rd March 1927 | Borgarleikhúsið | Borgarleikhúsið | Iceland | |
Archimastoras Solnes, 19280311 | Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες) | 19280311 | 11th March 1928 | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon
(Municipal Theater of Apollo) | Greece | |
Anitra selvatica, 19700520 | L’Anitra selvatica | 19700520 | 20th May 1970 | Canale 2 | Canale 2 | Italy | |
Aveti, 19280324 | Aveti | 19280324 | 24th March 1928 | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu | Narodno pozorište u Beogradu
(The National Theatre in Belgrade) | Serbia | |
Ashbah, 20080901 | Ashbah (Ghosts / اشباح) | 20080901 | 1st September 2008 | Nationaltheatret Malersalen | Nationaltheatret Malersalen | Norway | |
agriopapia, I, 19770412 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19770412 | 12th April 1977 | EIPT G’ Programma Radio | EIPT G’ Programma Radio
(EIRT Third Programme Radio) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19770418 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19770418 | 18th April 1977 | EPT Tileoptikó kanáli | EPT Tileoptikó kanáli
(ERT TV-Channel) | Greece | |
Ashibaghee Eshei, 20091212 | Ashibaghee Eshei | 20091212 | 12th December 2009 | National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala Academy | National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala Academy | Bangladesh | |
Ashibaghee Eshei, 20100901 | Ashibaghee Eshei | 20100901 | 1st September 2010 | Nationaltheatret | Nationaltheatret | Norway | |
Ashibaghee Eshei, 20110304 | Ashibaghee Eshei | 20110304 | 4th March 2011 | John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, The | The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts | United States of America | |
aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground, As, 19710405 | As aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground | 19710405 | 5th April 1971 | Teatro Itália | Teatro Itália | Brazil | |
aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground, As, 19711001 | As aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground | 19711001 | 1st October 1971 | Santo André,Teatro Municipal de | Teatro Municipal de Santo André | Brazil | |
Als wij dooden ontwaken, 19290519 | Als wij dooden ontwaken | 19290519 | 19th May 1929 | Koninklijke Schouwburg | Koninklijke Schouwburg | Netherlands | |
Aveti, 19790315 | Aveti | 19790315 | 15th March 1979 | Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište | Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište | Serbia | |
Aveti, 19811003 | Aveti | 19811003 | 3rd October 1981 | Narodno pozorište Leskovac | Narodno pozorište Leskovac | Serbia | |
agriopapia, I, 19850111 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850111 | 11th January 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon | Dimotiko Theatro Apollon
(Municipal Theater of Apollo) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850118 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850118 | 18th January 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Kalamatas | Dimotiko Theatro Kalamatas | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850125 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850125 | 25th January 1985 | Dimotikó Perifereiakó Théatro Agriníou | Dimotikó Perifereiakó Théatro Agriníou
(Municipal Regional Theater of Agrinio) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850201 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850201 | 1st February 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Kerkyras | Dimotiko Theatro Kerkyras
(Municipal Theater of Corfu) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850215 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850215 | 15th February 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Lamias | Dimotiko Theatro Lamias
(Municipal Theater of Lamia) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850222 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850222 | 22nd February 1985 | Kinimatotheatro Galaxias | Kinimatotheatro Galaxias | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850301 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850301 | 1st March 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Naousas | Dimotiko Theatro Naousas
(Municipal Theatre of Naoussa) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850308 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850308 | 8th March 1985 | Dimotiko Theatro Xanthis | Dimotiko Theatro Xanthis
(Municipal Amphitheatre of Xanthi) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19850329 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19850329 | 29th March 1985 | Spoudon, Etaireia Makedonikon | Etaireia Makedonikon Spoudon
(Society of Makedonian Studies) | Greece | |
agriopapia, I, 19910302 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19910302 | 2nd March 1991 | Dimotiko Theatro Kalamatas | Dimotiko Theatro Kalamatas | Greece | |
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”, 19880415 | ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand” | 19880415 | 15th April 1988 | Røkeriet USF | Røkeriet USF | Norway | |
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”, 19880427 | ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand” | 19880427 | 27th April 1988 | Nordre Teater | Nordre Teater | Norway | |
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”, 19881008 | ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand” | 19881008 | 8th October 1988 | Solheimsviken Verft | Solheimsviken Verft | Norway | |
agriopapia, I, 19920515 | I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) | 19920515 | 15th May 1992 | Vasilikon Theatro | Vasilikon Theatro
(Royal theatre) | Greece | |
Archimastoras Solnes, 19820129 | Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες) | 19820129 | 29th January 1982 | Aíthousa Askós Patísia | Aíthousa Askós Patísia | Greece | |
Afturgöngur, 19931015 | Afturgöngur | 19931015 | 15th October 1993 | Leikfélag Akureyrar | Leikfélag Akureyrar | Iceland | |
Afturgöngur, 19931013 | Afturgöngur | 19931013 | 13th October 1993 | Frú Emilía | Frú Emilía | Iceland | |
archimastoras Solnes, O, 20141031 | O archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες) | 20141031 | 31st October 2014 | Neo Elliniko Theatro | Neo Elliniko Theatro
(New Greek Theatre) | Greece | |