Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Afturgöngur13th November 1904BorgarleikhúsiðIceland 
Act IV of Brand7th December 1906Molesworth HallIreland 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)5th September 1912Aithousa AnaplaseosGreece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)2nd November 1912Aithousa XrysostomosGreece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)6th February 1913Theatro Polytheama (Polytheama theater)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)8th July 1915Theatro Kyvelis (Kyvelis Theater)Greece 
Afturgöngur11th June 1920BorgarleikhúsiðIceland 
Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)15th January 1925Ethniko Theatro (National Theater)Greece 
Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)25th September 1925Theatro PantheonGreece 
Afturgöngur23rd March 1927BorgarleikhúsiðIceland 
Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)11th March 1928Dimotiko Theatro Apollon (Municipal Theater of Apollo)Greece 
L’Anitra selvatica20th May 1970Canale 2Italy 
Aveti24th March 1928Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Ashbah (Ghosts / اشباح)1st September 2008Nationaltheatret MalersalenNorway 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)12th April 1977EIPT G’ Programma Radio (EIRT Third Programme Radio)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)18th April 1977EPT Tileoptikó kanáli (ERT TV-Channel)Greece 
Ashibaghee Eshei12th December 2009National Theatre Auditorium Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Ashibaghee Eshei1st September 2010NationaltheatretNorway 
Ashibaghee Eshei4th March 2011The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing ArtsUnited States of America 
As aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground5th April 1971Teatro ItáliaBrazil 
As aventuras de Peer Gynt - Comoedia Underground1st October 1971Teatro Municipal de Santo AndréBrazil 
Als wij dooden ontwaken19th May 1929Koninklijke SchouwburgNetherlands 
Aveti15th March 1979Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorišteSerbia 
Aveti3rd October 1981Narodno pozorište LeskovacSerbia 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)11th January 1985Dimotiko Theatro Apollon (Municipal Theater of Apollo)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)18th January 1985Dimotiko Theatro KalamatasGreece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)25th January 1985Dimotikó Perifereiakó Théatro Agriníou (Municipal Regional Theater of Agrinio)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)1st February 1985Dimotiko Theatro Kerkyras (Municipal Theater of Corfu)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)15th February 1985Dimotiko Theatro Lamias (Municipal Theater of Lamia)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)22nd February 1985Kinimatotheatro GalaxiasGreece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)1st March 1985Dimotiko Theatro Naousas (Municipal Theatre of Naoussa)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)8th March 1985Dimotiko Theatro Xanthis (Municipal Amphitheatre of Xanthi)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)29th March 1985Etaireia Makedonikon Spoudon (Society of Makedonian Studies)Greece 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)2nd March 1991Dimotiko Theatro KalamatasGreece 
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”15th April 1988Røkeriet USFNorway 
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”27th April 1988Nordre TeaterNorway 
ALT - etter Henrik Ibsens “Brand”8th October 1988Solheimsviken VerftNorway 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)15th May 1992Vasilikon Theatro (Royal theatre)Greece 
Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)29th January 1982Aíthousa Askós PatísiaGreece 
Afturgöngur15th October 1993Leikfélag AkureyrarIceland 
Afturgöngur13th October 1993Frú EmilíaIceland 
O archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)31st October 2014Neo Elliniko Theatro (New Greek Theatre)Greece 
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