Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenue CountryResources
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)18th April 1977EPT Tileoptikó kanáli (ERT TV-Channel)Greece 
O archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)30th April 1995ERT ERA-1 Radio (Greece)Greece 
Les Aventures de Peer Gynt17th November 2011Espace Charles VanelFrance 
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)29th March 1985Etaireia Makedonikon Spoudon (Society of Makedonian Studies)Greece 
Archimastoras Solnes (The Master Builder / Ο Αρχιμάστορας Σόλνες)15th January 1925Ethniko Theatro (National Theater)Greece 
Die Abenteuer des Peer Gynt13th November 2010Ettlingen StadthalleGermany 
Adrishya Paap - An adaptation of Ghosts13th November 2009Experimental Theatre Hall Shilpakala AcademyBangladesh 
Die Abenteuer von Peer Gynt4th July 2002Festung RosenbergGermany 
Al-Ashbah (Ghosts / الأشباح)18th February 2006Frank Cinatra TheatreIsrael 
Afturgöngur13th October 1993Frú EmilíaIceland 
Les Aventures de Peer Gynt16th April 2010Gare au ThéâtreFrance 
Aadow el shaab (Enemy of the People / عدو الشعب)9th March 2013Goethe-InstitutEgypt 
Aadow el shaab (Enemy of the People / عدو الشعب)8th May 2013Goethe-InstitutEgypt 
Aveti (Ghosts)6th August 2015Grad teatar BudvaMontenegro 
Aluf Ha-Bonim (The Master Builder / אלוף הבונים)13th March 1966Ha-Te'atron Ha-Kameri (The Cameri Theatre)Israel 
Amudei HaHevra (Pillars of Society / עמודי החברה)2016Ha-Te'atron Ha-Kameri (The Cameri Theatre)Israel3
Al-Batta Al-Bariya (The Wild Duck / لبطة البرية)15th June 2006Hanager TheatreEgypt1
An Alliance of Brats6th December 2015Heartland Studio TheatreUnited States of America 
Aide Xiju (Love's Comedy / 爱的喜剧)16th June 2016Hefei Da Juyuan (Hefei Grand Theater)China 
Aluf Ha-Bonim (The Master Builder / אלוף הבונים)30th December 2010Heichal HaTarbut (Arison Theatre)Israel5
Et annet dukkehjem17th April 2008Hålogaland TeaterNorway4
Abwab Nora (Nora`s Door / أبواب نورا)8th September 2010IbsenhusetNorway 
Ashbah (Ghosts / اشباح)14th May 2014IranIran 
Aide Xiju (Love's Comedy / 爱的喜剧)7th April 2017Jinjiang Theater Center (晋江戏剧中心)China 
Aveti15th March 1979Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorišteSerbia 
Ashibaghee Eshei17th December 2008Kamani AuditoriumIndia3
Asrar Santa Claus (Secrets of Santa Claus / أسرار سانتا كلوز)18th April 2024Kasr Sakafet Elanfoshy (Alexandria Culture Palace, Anfoushi Palace stage)Egypt 
Die Abenteuer des Peer Gynt10th April 2010Kinder- und Jugendtheater am Landestheater TübingenGermany5
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)22nd February 1985Kinimatotheatro GalaxiasGreece 
Als wij dooden ontwaken19th May 1929Koninklijke SchouwburgNetherlands 
Afturgöngur15th October 1993Leikfélag AkureyrarIceland 
Abwab Nora (Nora`s Door / أبواب نورا)8th December 2009Little Theatre Group (LTG) AuditoriumIndia 
Ashbah (Ghosts / اشباح)5th September 2021Mehregan TheaterIran 
Ashbah (Ghosts / اشباح)23rd October 2024Molavi HallIran1
Act IV of Brand7th December 1906Molesworth HallIreland 
Aadow el shaab (Enemy of the People / عدو الشعب)1st March 2013Moqattam Culture House (Bayt thaqafat almuqatam)Egypt 
Anik (Trans-creation of Ibsen´s "Little Eyolf")15th April 2007Muktadhara AuditoriumIndia 
Aveti (Ghosts)21st October 1973Narodno pozorište "Toša Jovanović"Serbia 
Aveti3rd October 1981Narodno pozorište LeskovacSerbia 
Aveti (Ghosts)15th October 1936Narodno pozorište Sarajevo (Sarajevo National Theater)Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Aveti5th June 1904Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Aveti24th March 1928Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
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